What we do

RS develops and delivers its technology consultancy services in the following fields:

  • Dissemination of technologies and improvement solutions, of good practices, demonstrative actions, selected technical information
  • Promotion and setting up of groups of interest for the realisation of innovative projects locally, nationwide and internationally and in particular promoting the participation of SMEs in complex high-tech research projects, also in the form of consortia
  • Operational and technical scientific support for the development of research programmes
  • Market studies and analyses for new products and processes and fine-tuning of testing methods and protocols for new materials/technologies
  • Technical and economic feasibility studies for innovative and technology transfer projects
  • Realisation of prototypes
  • Technical assistance for public incentive requests and financial tools
  • Technical assistance for evaluation and development of patents
  • Technical assistance for protection of insurance, large-scale distribution and consumer associations
  • Information, training and communication regarding new products, processes and new technical standards

© 2003 - 2024 R.S. - Ricerche e Servizi srl
Sede legale: Via Quirico Baldinucci, 71 - 59100 Prato, Italia
P.IVA/CF/CCIAA di Prato N. 01917510974
REA 482964 - Cap. Soc. 33.000,00 € i.v.
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